The Fertile Source is kicking off 2012 by expanding its offerings with a sister site. Our focus is two-fold, to offer writing courses for mothers who write and to develop a mentoring program for writing moms. At Mother, Writer, Mentor, we hope you’ll find a place to share the layers of your experiences with one another in a safe writing community full of members aspiring to be the best mother and the best writer possible.

Those of us who have come through those early years of sleepless nights and phantom manuscripts know that the most empowering support for maintaining a vision of wholeness and possibility when it comes to the dual role of motherhood and writing comes via the solace of the words and direct experiences of those who have gone down the path ahead of us.

Please visit our site: Mother Writing Mentor: Practical Help for Writing Moms. We welcome guest posts that focus on the interplay between writing and motherhood and define the interplay widely. Read a few of our posts to see what we’ve been up to–when Jessica Powers and I aren’t blogging, we’re busy putting up guest posts from the community. Join us.

Links to a few of our latest posts:

No Love is Singular: Confessions of a Girl Poet, by Nicelle Davis

Creator: Rejecting the Motherhood vs. Writing Dichotomy, by Mandy Alyss Brown

Mother Writer: Boon of the Parallel Journey, by Barbara Rockman

Mothers (and Fathers) & Creativity: How Many Kids is Enough, by Jessica Powers




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