blue glass image by Robyn Beattie

November Butterfly Poetry photo Robyn Beattie Design Don MitchellFrom Saddle Road Press:

November Butterfly

Release Date: November 1, 2014

Available on Amazon in paperback ($15.00) or Kindle ($7.99) editions.

Also available from Barnes and Noble or Powell’s.

Or support Saddle Road Press by by coming to one of my  Events  (workshops/readings) to pick up a copy in person.

Review of November Butterfly at The Mom Egg, by Anne Marie Fowler

Review of November Butterfly at Damfino Press, by Lauren Gordon

Three Questions at Extract(s) by Jenn Monroe is no longer live; Extract(s) inactive; I  re-posted the interview on my site.

Review of November Butterfly at Story Circle Network, by Susan Schoch

Review of November Butterfly at The California Journal of Women Writers, by Jen Teeter-Moore

Interview regarding the process of writing November Butterfly (TCJWW), by Jen Teeter-Moore

Review of November Butterfly at Tweetspeak Poetry, by Glynn Young

Advance Praise for November Butterfly (poems):

Tania Pryputniewicz has captured, with exquisite timing, eye and taste, the iconic power of our great archetypes, be they ancient or contemporary. Time spent with her work is always enriching.

—Persia Woolley, author of The Guinevere Trilogy

In November Butterfly, the lyrical I looks into the mirror to find a different face with each pass. In this way, Pryputniewicz maintains the intimacy of the poetic I while expanding the personal lyric to a global resonance. As Ophelia, Jeanne d’Arc, Nefertiti, Amelia, Lady Diana, Marilyn and Sylvia come to reflect, we too find ourselves dissolving into the mirror…. Pryputniewicz threads the narratives of multitudes into the singular I; with her gift of deep empathy, imagination, and lyricism, she gives readers the chance to live again and again and again.

—Nicelle Davis, author of Becoming Judas

Reading, we enter a world in which Guinevere loves and does not love; we glimpse her as a girl wearing “pale slippers like falcon hoods, / so lethal, so light.” Later, she is a woman, shimmering, conflicted, drawn to a great, obliterating love…. What does it mean to love, deeply, passionately, and in ways that will make it impossible to return to the life one was living before? What does it mean to link the great streaming magic of the everyday—to a real day? Divination and sacrifice offer us a way through. Pryputniewicz does not flinch from the challenges of the labyrinth—pathways that might lead equally, or randomly, to betrayal or desire. “So easy to muck the translation,” she writes, “no common language— that gap between the self one loves and the self one fears.” Her book gives us some courage—as we read and breathe that gap—to return what we find there to our own shattered and shattering, quotidian and startling lives.

—Bhanu Kapil, author of The Vertical Interrogation of Strangers

9780979920493-Perfect.inddRecent Interviews:

March 2016 Podcast Interview conducted by Ren Powell (on becoming a poet, a mother, a lover of Tarot Writing; includes a reading of “There is No Frigate Like a Book” and “God’s in the Butter” (from November Butterfly, 2016):

This Choice, Tania Pryputniewicz

Front CoverForthcoming Poems:

Host brother in Chiron Review, Fall 2017.

Recently Published Poems:

Dropping in the Eight, A Year In Ink, Volume 10, SDWI Anthology, Summer 2017.

Dropping in the Eight (MP3)

Goat Milk Ice Cream in Whale Road Review.

Goat Milk Ice Cream (MP3)

Free Box in Nimrod International Journal, Spring 2017.

Kolmer’s Gulch, Silver Birch Press, Lost and Found Poetry and Prose Series, 2017

Kolmer’s Gulch 2017  (MP3)

Hades, in Prime Number Magazine, Issue 107, April-June 2017.

Sound recording of Hades (MP3)everyday haiku anthology Ringman

A sampling of ten Haiku, in Everyday Haiku: An Anthology, Edited by Kristen Ringman (Order Link)

Thirteen: Russian River, Perihelion, My Daughter by Candlelight, and Graduation at The Journal of Applied Poetics, Issue 15.

Walking the Laguna, for Reginald Shepherd, TAB: The Journal of Poetry and Poetics (PDF and MP3 versions)

When Elder Becomes Child, hosted at Marisa Gaudy’s #365StrongStories series

Absolute Power, The Peer Counselor (originally published by Chaparral), (25) Floors Up on Open Balcony Guinevere Fails to Appear, Words as Spiral Path, Women of Wonder

Cooking Class, Casual: a little book of jeans poems and photos, Tweetspeak Poetry

Paybacks, A Year in Ink, San Diego Writers, Ink Anthology Volume 8

Veil, Veil II, and Transport from the Camelot section of November Butterfly at Extract(s)

Thanks to Poet and Translator Alessandra Bava, three poems are up in Italian at Patria Letteratura. Read both versions here:

Sylvia (Part III), The Corridor, and Joan, 21st Century.

Guinevere Braves High Noon in My Backyard, at The Mom Egg, Author’s Note Feature: Tania Pryputniewicz on November Butterfly 

Black Angel: Scripted, Never Shot in Soundings East, runner up for the Claire Keyes Poetry Prize.

Thumbelina (poem), in an app by Zoetic Press (free download through iTunes for iPad 2 or higher running ios 7 minimum) at NonBinary Review along with 30 or so contributors with various interpretations of Grimm’s Fairytales (poetry and tales).

Peer Counselor at Chaparral.

Mordred’s Dream, in Poetry Flash.

My Bedroom, My Sister, in Snow Jewel, Grey Sparrow Press (Third Place, Flash/Poetry Competition, Five Year Publication of Snow Jewel by Grey Sparrow Press, Fall 2014)

Poetry Movie News:

October 4-November 1, 2012: Robyn Beattie and I are proud to announce three of our photo poem montages, She Dressed in a Hurry (for Lady Diana), Amelia, and Nefertiti Among Us were part of a 2D/3D visual poetry show held at the LH Horton Jr Gallery at San Joaquin Delta College, curated by Chandra Cerrito. The movies were awarded Juror’s Best of Show.

Published Work:

Photo Poem Montages

She Dressed in a Hurry, for Lady Di
in collaboration with photography by Robyn Beattie and music of Scriabin performed by Stephen Pryputniewicz
Published by The Mom Egg

Nefertiti on the Astral in collaboration with photography by Robyn Beattie and music of Bela Bartok performed by Stephen Pryputniewicz
Published by Prairie Wolf Press

Amelia in collaboration with photography by Robyn Beattie and original music by Michael Greenberg
Published by V’s Place.

Guest Blog Posts

Free the Pen, a Blog for Writers:

Earth, Air, Fire and Water: Using the Tarot to Inspire Your Writing Practice

Laundry Line Divine:

Lost Wings, Hesitations, and Outgrowing the Metronome

Originally published on Everyday Intensity:

So You Say You’re a Poetry Editor

The Bees Knees:

Poetic Discovery: Making a Difference in Haiti


Autumn Sky: 3 a.m. New Melleray Monastery

The Art of Bicycling: Dragonfly

Blast Furnace: Nine Days Before He Died The Crows Came at Dawn

Blood OrangeReview: Bohemian Rhapsody, Crows bordered the seams of your leaving

Connotation Press: Ananda’s Line in collaboration with the photography of Robyn Beattie. Art braid for Ananda Beattie: Poems set to sculpture, photos, 4 generations of women

The Daily Palette: Ritual at Dusk

The Dickens: God’s in the Butter, November Butterfly

Linebreak: The Painter’s Wife

Literary Mama: Engorged

The Mom Egg: Rising Sign, (paired with the photography of Robyn Beattie)

The Mom Egg spring 2010 print edition, Incarnation (paired with the photography of Robyn Beattie)

Salome Magazine: She Dressed in a Hurry (for Lady Di)

Spoon River Poetry Review: For the Love of Three Oranges

Stone Canoe: The Rescue of Ophelia & Nefertiti Among Us

Tiny Lights: Niagara Falls

Writers and Lovers Café, Volume 1/Number: Reunion.


Blockprint: Birthing Woman in Center of Web, Tania PryputniewiczCatalyst Book Press: Cover Art and Essay by the title of Sheila’s Vine
In the anthology Labor Pains and Birth Stories

Empire Report: Lifeguard, paired with the photography of Robyn Beattie)

The Fertile Source: No Birth Plan, Please

Thoughtloops of a Breastfeeding Mom

A Measure of Words Press Breaking In
In the anthology Secrets

Tiny Lights: Some Small Comfort


In Her Place: Reverie for the Girl at Gabe’s Bar

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