corazon earring four chambered heart

By the Spell of the Spin, The Human Calendar, or How to Write a Worthy Holiday Post

Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours… Black Elk, Holy man of the Oglala Sioux 1836-1950 (from Black Elk Speaks) Let’s say you’ve blogged merrily along so far, only to run headlong into blogger block.…

Tarot for Two with Mary Allen and Tania Pryputniewicz

Visit Tarot for Two, a blog I started in 2015 with writer Mary Allen. Here's an excerpt from our blog's overview: We are two writers who have been throwing the cards for each other for over twenty years.   Because we now live in…
Tania Pryputniewicz mask shrouded

Transformative Blogging: Inquiry via Mask

Writing exercises bookend the making of a three-dimensional mask that serves a dual purpose: to provide a layer of distance between the private self and the public blogger entering or re-entering the blogosphere (somewhat like a narrator functions…
Robyn Beattie dessert salt meander

The “How To” Blog Post, or How Your Meander Creates an Aerial Snake to Remember

The other night, as my daughter and I grappled with her geography homework, we scanned through aerial photos of the sinuous path waterways make as they meander across the Earth. I couldn’t help but connect the winding pattern to writing. While…