Butterfly on orange wall dripping blue beads

Butterfly on orange wall dripping blue beadsTwo out of five of your friends have started a blog. Why? Should you be blogging too? This gentle, supportive course is designed to walk you through the steps you’ll need to take in order to launch a blog. Join us to explore the blogosphere and write your way towards material for a potential blog without the pressure of on-line posting.

This course offers beginning bloggers the chance to create material to launch a blog or to recalibrate an existing blog through completing a series of writing exercises and inventories. We look at blog platforms and blog technique; we will also preview the Web for examples. We brainstorm together, create content, discuss image use, and refer to a checklist towards blog launch. Students will emerge with sample posts and a map in hand for how to proceed in the future.

This six week on-line course is offered through Story Circle Network starting September 15-October 27, 2014.  Cost is $192 for members and $240 for non-members. Sign up here for Beginning Blogging.

Praise for Tania’s classes:

Tania Pryputniewicz is a wonderful teacher! She creates a warm, stimulating, supportive environment for learning and sharing and offers thoughtful, detailed feedback on participants’ work. Her assignments are top-notch. I got a lot of great ideas for my blog and am motivated to launch it soon. I’ll study with Tania again and will recommend her classes to my friends.—Barbara (blogs at Barbara Yoder: Writer, Editor, Teacher, Coach)

I loved Tania Pryputniewicz’s class!!!!!!!!!!!! —Juliana (blogs at Writing on the Rim)

When I met Tania at A Room of Her Own Foundation’s summer writing retreat, she encouraged me to start my own blog. Tania’s assignments were well designed and encouraged me to branch out as a writer. She also responded in depth to all assignments from the class participants. I also appreciated that Tania was open to students adjusting the assignments and timelines to our own very busy lives. It was a great experience, and I wouldn’t hesitate to take another class taught by Tania. —Lisa (blogs at Poet Teacher Seeks World)

I feel as though I really learned a great deal in a very logical way that also was very supportive. Tania’s course is a must-take for anyone who either is considering creating a blog but is fantastically beneficial to those who already have one. The lessons are hierarchical, focused, and really helped me realize my mission in even just starting a blog. I’d highly recommend this class and even thought about taking it again! —Marlene (blogs at www.marlenesamuels.com)

I had the good fortune to take Tania’s blogging workshop last summer at a week-long retreat for women writers. From the start, I knew I was in the presence of a gifted, intuitive teacher who listens carefully and guides each student with passion and patience. I came to her class as a complete novice and found myself so inspired by her innovative exercises and wise insights that I came home and immediately began writing and designing a blog that I have just launched. I hope I get the chance to study with Tania again in the future!–Martha (blogs at Martha Andrews Donovan: One Writer’s Excavation)

Working with Tania gave me the courage to realize my dream of creating a web space for women writers who were allowing themselves to write fearlessly about their lives. Tania’s approach to teaching opened me up to the possibility and potential for my site and helped me craft a frame for my vision in a way that allowed me to break through boundaries I had set for myself. –Maura (blogs at off the margins).

It was a terrific course and got my blog going. I don’t think I would have had the wherewithal to get started without Tania Pryputniewicz’s class. —Peggy (blogs at Backwoods and Beyond: Exploring the Wild Inside Out)


Photo by Robyn Beattie.

*This course is periodically offered through Story Circle Network and was taught in the past in person at Coronado Adult Education and San Diego Writers, Ink.

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