November Butterfly Poetry photo Robyn Beattie Design Don Mitchell

What story have you kept in the cocoon? What would happen if you wrote it out, just for you? In this dual focus workshop, we’ll consider our heroes, both famous and family, who have inspired us. Using them as inspiration, we’ll write our cocooned core stories. We’ll also explore the butterfly and hero metaphors via colored pencils and paper cutouts. Art supplies provided. No prior writing experience necessary.

Join me for the very first Workshop/Book Launch of this year’s modest Book Tour (San Diego, Berkeley, Chicago, Iowa City, Albuquerque all on the tentative horizon) in celebration of my poetry collection, November Butterfly (forthcoming from Saddle Road Press on November 1st). San Diego is starting to feel like home now that I’ve been able to meet and work with a number of writers through San Diego Writers, Ink (and Coronado Adult Education). Thank you for making me feel welcome in the new city!

Workshop (2:30-3:30) followed by reading (3:30-4:30)

November 1st  Ink Spot, SDWI

($30 workshop fee includes a copy of November Butterfly; $5 suggested donation if attending reading only)

Sign up here with San Diego Writer’s Ink.



Paper Dolls Robyn BeattieMore information about November Butterfly:

Video Illustrations for seven of the poems.

Related Blog Posts:

First Poetry Book Publication

Revising Guinevere

Tarot Butterflies

Moving Past Siren’s Lament

IMG_0536Early Praise for November Butterfly:

Tania Pryputniewicz has captured, with exquisite timing, eye and taste, the iconic power of our great archetypes, be they ancient or contemporary. Time spent with her work is always enriching.

—Persia Woolley, author of The Guinevere Trilogy

In November Butterfly, the lyrical I looks into the mirror to find a different face with each pass. In this way, Pryputniewicz maintains the intimacy of the poetic I while expanding the personal lyric to a global resonance. As Ophelia, Jeanne d’Arc, Nefertiti, Amelia, Lady Diana, Marilyn and Sylvia come to reflect, we too find ourselves dissolving into the mirror…. Pryputniewicz threads the narratives of multitudes into the singular I; with her gift of deep empathy, imagination, and lyricism, she gives readers the chance to live again and again and again.

—Nicelle Davis, author of Becoming Judas

Reading, we enter a world in which Guinevere loves and does not love; we glimpse her as a girl wearing “pale slippers like falcon hoods, / so lethal, so light.” Later, she is a woman, shimmering, conflicted, drawn to a great, obliterating love…. What does it mean to love, deeply, passionately, and in ways that will make it impossible to return to the life one was living before? What does it mean to link the great streaming magic of the everyday—to a real day? Divination and sacrifice offer us a way through. Pryputniewicz does not flinch from the challenges of the labyrinth—pathways that might lead equally, or randomly, to betrayal or desire. “So easy to muck the translation,” she writes, “no common language— that gap between the self one loves and the self one fears.” Her book gives us some courage—as we read and breathe that gap—to return what we find there to our own shattered and shattering, quotidian and startling lives.

—Bhanu Kapil, author of The Vertical Interrogation of Strangers


**See Events for additional scheduled workshops/readings; support Saddle Road Press by ordering through my contact page (send me a request) or by coming to one of my events. November Butterfly will also be available after November 1st, 2014 from Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats.


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