Ophelia, Circling Possible Futures and Alternate Endings: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 9

Another image that lived in my home for several years quietly speaking to my subconscious was a painting titled The Rescue of Ophelia (by Christine DeCamp). A massive leaf borders the body of the floating Ophelia as she cradles in her arms an…

Thumbelina Weighs Her Options: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 8

 I’m surprised to find, in writing the poem, that girl, mother, and flower coexist in the imagination alongside an innocence I thought lost, beside a self I thought irreparably fractured.  Thumbelina: Innocence Found (Feral Mom, Feral…

She Dressed in a Hurry, for Lady Diana: November Butterfly Prompt 7

Maureen’s husband—just like mine would have done--drifted into the bedroom once or twice, apologizing profusely, looking for a raincoat, a hat, and yet the poem held on, more or less down on the page by the end of the two hours, born amidst…

Nabokov: Lolita wake! November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 6

In the poem Nabokov (forthcoming in November Butterfly, Saddle Road Press, November 1, 2014), Prufrock from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Nabokov’s Lolita, Sky Chief’s Daughter from the Trickster Tale Raven and Gretl from the fairytale…

Nov 10 Sonoma County Writing Workshop & Book Launch: Coffee Catz

What story have you kept in the cocoon? What would happen if you wrote it out, just for you? In this dual focus workshop, we'll consider our heroes, both famous and family, who have inspired us. Using them as inspiration, we'll write our…

Sisters of the Orange, A Tale of Three Oranges: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 5

Between those trees, I first felt it / like dusk or the roil of the astral body down the thumbs-width tunnel between dreams: / The dark horse-bites of men’s glances—For the Love of Three Oranges, November Butterfly (Saddle Road Press,…