Robyn Beattie Peacock TailDo you haiku? Every written a haibun, aubade, or villanelle? Want to try your hand at a sestina or a sonnet? During this four-hour workshop we will fearlessly and playfully write our way towards working drafts of as many of the forms as we can.

We’ll start with the deceptively simple but evocative gem of haiku. Then we’ll breathe into the slightly pithier prose lead required of the haibun with its haiku chaser. Next up: dawn songs (otherwise known as aubades) for a love lost or left at sunrise. And then, hearts astir, we turn to the gift of intricate form and the unusual word choices form often invites. We will draft sestinas, sonnets and villanelles.

We will preview examples of each form before we attempt to write our own poems; I also invite you to bring in your favorite form poems to share with us. Class time will include discussion of our example poems, writing exercises, and supportive workshop time for the new original poems we write. Open to beginners as well as seasoned writers ready for a lively and engaging adventure. Bring your device or notebook and pen and come out and play!

Cost is $60 for SDWI members and $72 for nonmembers; class will run from 10-2 on Tuesday, October 20, 2015. To sign up visit Poetry Play: A Tour of the Forms with Tania Pryputniewicz at San Diego Writers, Ink.

Related Links and Blogposts featuring Haiku:

My Bicycle, My Chariot and The Angel Tree: Writing Despite Chaos

November Butterflies: First Proof , The Female Hanged One and Balboa Park Haiku

Velvet Lives I Long To Try: Valentine’s Day Posts

The Four of Cups and The Eight of Cups

Radiating Color: Mirror Daughters, Tarot Archetypes and Web Mothers

June Gloom and The Letter Z: Poetry Tour of the Forms Class Forming


Photo by Robyn Beattie.



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