Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 13 with Srinivas Rao

Quest 2016 continues with Srinivas Rao, author of The Art of Being Unmistakable: What will you do in 2016 to assure you and your best work are unmistakable? I’m walking with my husband, our middle son Orion, and the Husky. A full moon…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 12 with Jen Louden

Quest 2016 continues with personal growth pioneer Jen Louden. She asked questers: What’s the story you most desire to bring to life in 2016?  What’s the story your just right client most desires to bring to life in 2016?  Where…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 11 with Todd Henry

Quest 2016 continues today with a prompt by Todd Henry. Henry asked questers: It takes bravery to know your strengths and operate diligently within them. Are you running your race, or someone else’s? Motherhood and Racing When I was…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 10 with Charlie Gilkey

Quest 2016 continues today with a prompt by best selling author and powerhouse behind the site, Productive Flourishing, Charlie Gilkey. He asked questers: Which element of your best work do you most want to amplify this year? Charlie clarified…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 9 with Chris Brogan

Quest 2016 continues with CEO of Owner Media Group Chris Brogan. Brogan asked Questers: How will you better clarify whom you serve and what you do for them in 2016? Today’s Tarot Layout I pulled a card for each website where I…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 8 with Sally Hogshead

You have to see how the world sees you. That can be unnerving.—from Tracking Wonder’s blogpost, “Own how the world sees your creative genius….” Quest 2016 continues with a look at the work of Sally Hogshead. I first came to know…