Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 7 with John Jantsch

Horizon Work with Visionary Jeffrey Davis This week on the private forum we use to “meet” on Quest 2016, in addition to bringing us a prompt by author and  marketing expert John Jantsch, Jeffrey Davis offered us a beautiful visualization…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 6 with Seth Godin

To walk lightly through the world, with confidence and energy, is far more compelling than plodding along worn by weight on our shoulders.  When we walk light on our feet, we make better decisions, bring joy to those around us, and find the…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 5 with Scott Barry Kaufman

“Daydreams reflect the full kaleidoscope of human motivations…”—Scott Barry Kaufman, “Dreams of Glory,” Psychology Today Quest 2016 continues with a prompt by Scott Barry Kaufman, Director of the Imagination Institute in the…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 4 with Dr. Tina Seelig

Quest 2016 continues today. Please remember it is not too late to join us...even join us midstream...we will hold your hand as you cross the stream...I promise... We received a beautiful question from Dr. Tina Seelig (faculty director of the Stanford…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 3 with Debbie Millman

Quest 2016 continues with a prompt by author, educator, brand strategist and graphic designer Debbie Millman. You’ll find podcasts of interviews with an amazing array of graphic designers, and you’ll also see Millman’s inspiring tagline: “And…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 2 with Jonathan Fields

Quest 2016 continues with the following prompt by Jonathan Fields: You wake up to discover a knock at your door. A wealthy uncle you barely knew has passed and left you a fortune. It's more than enough to live out your days in glorious splendor,…