Butterfly Castle Robyn BeattieYou have to see how the world sees you. That can be unnerving.—from Tracking Wonder’s blogpost, “Own how the world sees your creative genius….”

Quest 2016 continues with a look at the work of Sally Hogshead. I first came to know Sally’s work on Quest last year when I took her Fascinate Assessment. I scored high in Passion and Innovation, which according to her work can bode well for inspiring others as a Catalyst. Last year’s post,  A Phoenix SeaHorse and Heart Door Ajar referred to a night time dream  featuring a stag guarding a mountain pass and how I feared him a little but welcomed him.

As if on cue, just in time for Sally’s new 2016 prompt, several nights ago I dreampt about another power animal. This time, I was riding on a small mo-ped through crumbling streets and ruins made of rows and rows of facades of castles. As I rode into the heart of the ruins, I could hear howling. I thought, that must be my power animal howling. After giving sort of a half-hearted howl (just to try out, you know, howling back), I promptly turned my mo-ped around and high tailed it out of there as the true howling of the Real Wolf grew closer and more fierce.

Possibly the castle metaphors of the middle section of November Butterfly, featuring Guinevere’s Camelot, have served their purpose as facades. Or, possibly there’s more power to be found in the ruins yet, as much as I’d like to move on.

What happens when I get off the moped?

What happens when I let the wolf catch up?

Today’s Prompt from Sally Hogshead:

Of these three qualities, which one is the most important right now? Quality of Life, Quality of work, or Quality of Compensation?

By now, you know I can’t choose….I love my threes. I decided to pull a card for Life, for Work, and for Compensation and to use the image the Tarot gives me to contemplate how to bring my best Catalyzing self forward. For today’s Tarot Inquiry, I drew on phrases from Angeles Arrien’s The Tarot Handbook: Practical Application of Ancient Visual Symbols.

Quality of life: Three of Disks: Works

I’ll need to continue to work towards “alignment of mind, heart, and action.” Journaling question: What does alignment of mind, heart and action look like when applied to raising my family?

Quality of work: Six of Cups: Pleasure

To bring my best Catalyst self forward for work, I have peach coppery cups of pleasure to unwrap. Arrien speaks of the ability of the love in the cups in this card to “renew, revitalize, regenerate.” Journaling question: How can the work I do renew, revitalize, and regenerate myself and others?

Quality of compensation: 2 of Cups: Love

To bring my best Catalyst self forward in the realm of compensation, I will consider, “love extended without self-abandonment or self-diminishment.” I’m also thinking of the two cups as two “loves” I’m weaving together right now: Poetry and the Tarot. Arrien also talks about this card in terms of powerful communication, and “love that is equal and special.” Journaling question: What am I offering in my cup to others, and what am I receiving? How can I keep the mobius of exchange equal, loving, and joyful?

Blue Chalice Quest 2016Today’s in-process drawing is a blue chalice.

Related Links:

Another Quester tracking her power animal: Animal Parade by Lora Jansson

More about Sally Hogshead, author of today’s Tracking Wonder Prompt:

Sally Hogshead is a Hall of Fame speaker, best-selling author, and a leading expert on fascination. Her clients have included Intel, Cisco, Million Dollar Round Table, GE, and Intuit. Her recent book How the World Sees You (#2 NYT, #1 WSJ) applies her research in the science of fascination to leaders and change-makers who want to be more of their best.

A sampling of posts by other Questers responding to today’s prompt by Sally Hogshead:

Synchronicity and GLP on Art to Live By by Sheri Hoeger *Touch of Hand drawings

Goodbye to striving: permission granted by Lois Kelly

In which a couple of contractors redo the bathroom, and my perspective by Brenna Layne

Quality: THE END by Janet St. John *on PixStori

Castle Photo: Robyn Beattie





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