Robyn's Seed Pods copyThree incoming souls

Siblings, they chose us, we them

Such blind bravery

Observing my life for Three of Cups experiences, last week’s synergy of three manifested in the joy of watching my three children interact playfully with one another. I chose Robyn’s seed pod image for its spinning sensation and for the way the three opened inner pockets of the seed pod remain anchored at the stem, an umbilical image for me. My children continue to move further out into the world, but there’s such peace for me when I hear them laughing together. Celestial, that sound, a welcome counter-balance to the other moments of jostling and wrangling. The minuscule star at the very center of this image reminds me of the way we started this journey, so tightly woven together through host of the body and then later, mingling and spinning as we grew our psychic house of family.


4 of cupsToday’s Tarot Tuesday Prompt:

Seven of the eight books I referenced in my Tarot library gave me interpretations for the Four of Cups focused on sorrow, the need to have a structured space in which to retreat to grieve or acknowledge anger or sorrow, or a state of malaise or inability to see one’s blessings or the good in what life offers us. Today’s prompts are based on a more positive interpretation for the Four of Cups based on Angeles Arrien’s book, “The Tarot Handbook: Practical Applications  of Ancient Visual Symbols” which assigns “emotional luxury and emotional fulfillment” to the card.  Spring-boarding from her phrase, I thought about how fours in the Tarot imply structures or foundations.

What hearkens as your emotional foundation? Name the four pillars that make up the foundation of your heart’s landscape. Write about a heart joy that came to you from each of the four cardinal directions.

Or consider making a list of situations for the figure sitting with his back to the tree. What is life offering him that he refuses to accept? Or enter the Daughters of the Moon image and write about the situation/challenge facing the woman grieving so deeply that even the moon is shedding tears on her behalf.

Feel free to respond in comments here or to join the conversation at Tarot Tuesday’s Facebook page to share your word or image response.

Photo of the Four of Cups (taken by yours truly): Thoth deck painted by Lady Frieda Harris, Daughters of the Moon by Ffiona Morgan (14 illustrators and 5 painters credited with formation of the deck’s artwork), and Rider Waite artwork by Pamela Colman Smith.

Photo credit for the image of the Yucca seed at the top of this post: Robyn Beattie.

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