Tarot Tuesday: Sky Omens and an Ace of Wands Writing Prompt

Pelvic cradle cloud-- Aunt, Sister, Matriarch’s love Holds us when earth can’t. While on writing retreat at Sea Ranch, I had a generational family experience (Ten of Disks) that proved to me that regardless of physical separation,…
Sandy Frank sculpture red haired woman black birds and poem Someone by Tania Pryputniewicz

Tarot Tuesday: Idea to Form and a Ten of Disks Writing Prompt

Living my Nine of Disks week on writing retreat at Sea Ranch on the Northern California Coast, I found myself deeply connected to the card’s corresponding Major Arcanum, The Hermit. Though surrounded by eight of my writing sisters (a full…

What Makes a Writers Group Work?

Every writers group has its story: how it formed, what it provides. Ours, The Flamingos, is no exception. Nine of us started meeting in 2012 and haven't stopped since, taking shelter in abodes once a year at Sea Ranch where we hide out together…

Tarot Tuesday: Cupped Palms and a Nine of Disks Writing Prompt

Living my Eight of Disks week, I find myself in hibernation with my darling Flamingo writing group (though we will Come Out: we are appearing this coming Saturday for the first time as ourselves, The Flamingos, at Four Eyed Frog Books in Gualala.…

Tarot Tuesday: Worry Tracks and and an Eight of Disks Writing Prompt

Tarot Tuesday: Worry Tracks and and an Eight of Disks Writing Prompt Living my Seven of Disks week meant I was in tune with my habitual worries about money, belongings, possessions, and projects. Worries about home and hearth crowned the…