Nested Pearl Robyn Beattie smallCalling all poets: Interested in exploring the times through poetry? We will look at contemporary election/political climate poetry and write our own poems based on a range of prompts from election night experience to candidate expectations to letter poems to the next generation and more.

This is a virtual, live, write-in-present time class that will meet over Zoom on Fridays starting January 6th from 9 a.m. to -10:15 a.m. PST. You will receive a weekly email with the poem under study and the writing prompt we will use as our starting point for our virtual writing session. Format of our Zoom session will be tripart, allowing time for discussion of the poem of the week, writing time, and time for shared reflection. Week seven will be devoted to workshop of  the poem of your choice from work you’ve generated during our class.

Course cost: $170 for seven-week session.

To sign up, visit The Wheel of Archetypal Selves Tarot Facebook page to message me there for more information. If you are unable to take courses now but would like to stay in touch about future classes, sign up for my monthly Wheel of Archetypal Selves Newsletter (offers Poetry and Tarot related news and tips) here:  Wheel of Archetypal Selves.


Photo by Robyn Beattie.

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