Typewriter by Robyn Beattie

Typewriter by Robyn BeattieI’d love to write poetry with you in person. I am blessed to call San Diego Writers, Ink, one of my teaching homes. We are located at Liberty Station. Please join me for Second Saturdays: Poetry Read and Critique.

*As of March 2020, this class is conducted over zoom.

 Second Saturdays: Poetry Read and Critique. Are you looking for a supportive group in which to create new work, receive feedback, and become inspired to send your work out for publication? In this class, in addition to weekly craft lessons and prompts, you’ll be offered specific targets and live calls for submissions. We will draft new poetry, give one another feedback on those drafts, polish those poems, and send them out. We also serve (gently) as an accountability team for submissions.

We begin each of our sessions by looking at poems based on the theme of the month (I’ll bring poems and I invite you to bring your favorite poems by other authors). We divide class time between theme discussion, in-class writing, and time to workshop your poems—the one you’ve written based on the theme (or the poem that arrived instead). You are responsible for showing up with an open and inquisitive mind and bringing enough copies of your poem for your classmates. You’ll have the chance to read your poem aloud; we will respond to your work on the spot.

All level of writers are welcome. We respond with heart-based enthusiasm and specific craft-based suggestions for revision and meet the second Saturday of every month. Walk-ins are welcome, though you may also sign up ahead of time here: for Second Saturdays: Poetry Read and Critique at SDWI, Liberty Station. Cost for each class is $36 for members of San Diego Writers, Ink, or $42 for non-members.

Recently Published Poems by Tania:

Up at Bilingual / Borderless: “I try to smell the name of your perfume,” “Full Moon Ghazal,” and “Snowflake Bentley” with side-by-side translation into Spanish (Marjha Paulino and Corinne Stanley) and accompanying collage by Corinne Stanley, January 2021.

Two Gardens, winner of Rockvale Review’s Time themed poetry contest, with note from Director Sandy Coomer.

Goat Milk Ice Cream in Whale Road Review, Issue 7, 2017

Kolmer’s Gulch, Silver Birch Press, Lost and Found Poetry and Prose Series, 2017

Kolmer’s Gulch 2017  (MP3)

Hades, in Prime Number Magazine, Issue 107, April-June 2017

Sound recording of Hades (MP3)

Walking the Laguna, for Reginald Shepherd, TAB: The Journal of Poetry and Poetics (PDF and MP3 versions)Butterfly on orange wall dripping blue beads

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