Have you ever wrestled with angels? Named an angel? Loved or raged in the absence or presence of an angel? Whether you believe in angels or not, you will find them throughout literature, from Blake’s time to our time in poems like “Questions About Angels” by Billy Collins and “What the Angels Left” by Marie Howe and “For Each of You” by Audre Lorde and “The Angels” by Fanny Howe: I met them / in the Fields of Mourning.

What do angels give us? Are they to be revered in all their Hallmark glory? Or should we, as Linda Pastan writes in “Angels,” be weary of them? I am tired of their milky robes, / their star-infested sashes.

Whether you’ve had your own encounters with angels or have longed dreamed of meeting your guardian angel or have a question or complaint to lodge with a particular angel, come write with us as we examine our assumptions about angels and look at angel poems together. You’ll come away from our class with reveries and poems towards the creation of a personal Book of Angels.

All levels of writing welcome; class structure includes weekly prompts and video calls in a loving and supportive virtual classroom environment (we meet using a combination of email, Zoom, and private discussion forum). During week one, I am offering every student a five-card guardian angel reading using the Tarot.

We start * note amended dates to allow for enrollment: at the beginning of May: Monday, May 7, 2018 and run six weeks through Friday, June 15. Cost for the six-week session is $350. Please use the contact form on my website to email me with questions or to enroll.

Related Links:

Writing Our Angels, Home and Abroad gives you some background about the impulse behind creating this class.

Tania’s angel-related poetry:

Black Angel: Scripted, Never Shot, published in November Butterfly, (Saddle Road Press, 2014), originally appeared in Soundings East, runner-up Claire Keyes Poetry Prize.

“Moscow Road,” 2017-18 San Diego Poetry Annual, Honorable Mention, Steve Kowit Prize.

Prior blog posts from years past about angels:

Found Angels, Snow Birds, and New Perhaps Maybes

A Daughter, Sand Angels, and the Sun

*Angel Drawings by Tania Pryputniewicz

What Tania’s students have to say about Tarot writing adventures:

  • As a published poet whose writing has plumbed the depths of the symbolic world underpinning the Tarot, and as an illuminating guide and teacher to their archetypal keys, there are few, if any, other mentors of Tania’s calibre whose call to follow the threads of meaning will carry you to the spaces within where you have long yearned to go. I recently took Tania’s class on the Wheel of Archetypal Selves, and was amazed each week not just at Tania’s deeply intuitive responses to my work, but even more so at the places and levels of inner understanding to which she led me. Tania teaches as if she is transporting her students on a magic carpet through the landscape of the Tarot. I cannot recommend her classes highly enough! —Edith O’Nuallain, Ireland
  • I’ve taken all of Tania Pryputniewicz’s Tarot classes (and two of her blogging classes) and her course materials are always stimulating and inspiring. I’ve learned to think about the Tarot in a different way thanks to Tania’s writing exercises. Tania always makes very insightful and helpful comments. It’s a great dialogue—we’ve learned together. I’ve learned so much about the Tarot, and about myself through this class. I think some people might be put off by the idea of working with the Tarot, but Tania connects the cards to life and we’ve had such great conversations about life and love and more as we’ve worked through the major arcana. —Mary C., Pine CO
  • Tania Pryputniewicz’s knowledge of the tarot and writing and combining the two is incredible. The exercises she sends and the feedback are always right on target and she provides additional exercises for certain topics (as they arise). I still re-read some of her feedback for inspiration. —Lynn W., Irving TX
  • I loved the materials Tania Pryputniewicz presented and the responses she gave to what I managed to write…I LOVED the materials and the instructor. I will come back to them for some time and they will continue to inspire and inform my writing. —Marsha P., Bala Cynwyd PA

Prior Posts:

I wrote extensively about my relationship to the Tarot and working with writing in Tarot Visioning posts in 2016. If you wish to use the search feature on the website, any of those posts under Tarot Visioning will help you understand the way I approach teaching, life, and seeking.