astral lovers meet over the river three tarot lovers versions

astral lovers meet over the river three tarot lovers versionsLove poetry? Love tarot? Or maybe you are curious about both. Tarot and poetry rely on images to create a connection, ask questions, inspire conversation, and bring us closer to our hearts. In my Using Tarot Imagery to Write Love Poems workshop today, you’ll have the chance to see eight different  versions of the Lovers card. We will write poems based on the cards and look at examples of poems written to specific tarot cards.

All proceeds from this donation-based class go to San Diego Writers, Ink. SDWI continues to provide a beautiful hub of connection for us during this time of uncertainty, loss, and change. Sign up here:

Using Tarot Imagery to Write Love Poems

*TODAY, May 1st: Noon to 2 pm.

Additional Links of interest:

Three of Cups: Three Views of Marriage