eye behind a set of wings connected by blue ladder rungs, bordered by waves and lanes of fire

eye behind a set of wings connected by blue ladder rungs, bordered by waves and lanes of fireMy fortune, my eyes

How I see shapes my bounty

Hazel ups and downs.

–excerpt, NILVX, A Book of Magic, II(II): Tarot Series II, 2019

The older I get, the more I realize that my perspective is my bounty. Tarot is a tool we can use to see things anew. How does that work? Join me for From Fear to Love: The Tower and Tarot’s  Lover for a look at how we can regain some footing within ourselves even as the world around us shifts rapidly, setting internal changes in motion. Later in October, we delve deeper with a webinar series, Tarot for Transition, exploring the gifts we are born with the capacity to use. Both Fear to Love and the 4-part Tarot for Transition series are offered through Antioch University (from Inspiration to Publication program). Along with offering a heart’s compass approach to our conversation, I’ll teach you a simple but potent tarot journaling method along with other tools.

From Fear to Love: Tarot’s Tower and the Lovers. How do static images on a card support inner personal growth and outward change? Join this webinar for a close look at the way Major Arcana (Big Secret) soul cards like the Tower and the Lovers can help us move from fear to love. To explore the archetypal energy behind both cards, we will look at a number of versions of both the Tower and the Lovers card. You’ll be introduced to some accessible but potent tarot journaling methods. No prior knowledge of the tarot necessary. Webinar:

Saturday October 3: 10 am PST / 1 pm Eastern Time. Cost: $25

For full details and to sign up visit: From Fear to Love

For examples of tarot journaling, visit Tarot for Two, where I co-blog with my long-time tarot companion Mary Allen. Here’s my entry about the Nine of Wands and The Hierophant and Mary’s entry following mine that also mentions the Nine of Wands but mostly focuses on the Star card.

A rainbow colored windmill, with blades of blue and green, its tower blue green and red on a red backdrop, with orange and green and gold light coming off the mill blades

Ace of Windmills by Tania Pryputniewicz

Tarot for Transition: Tarot Journaling for Joy. During times of transition and uncertainty, we can lose our connection to our inner compass and find ourselves feeling overwhelmed. We will explore just one aspect of our lives at a time in relation to the transitions we are facing, using the lens of the four tarot aces: The Heart (love and dreams: Ace of Cups), The Hands (wealth and manifestation: Ace of Disks), The Will (inspiration and direction: Ace of Wands), and The Mind (vision and knowledge: Ace of Swords). We will walk through some simple tools for daily connection to the tarot through journaling, taking our “tarot eyes” into our surroundings, and celebrating the path forward as inspired by the energy of the four elements. No prior knowledge of the tarot is necessary. We meet four consecutive Saturdays. Cost for this 4-Part Webinar Series / $99

Saturday October 17: 10 am PST / 1:00 pm ET
Saturday October 24: 10 am PST  / 1:00 pm ET
Saturday October 31: 10 am PST  / 1:00 pm ET (Halloween)
Saturday November 7th: 10 am PST  / 1:00 pm ET

For full details and to sign up visit: Tarot for Transition

A note on the haiku: The Fortune haiku is an excerpt from three linked Haiku, originally published in NILVX: A Book of Magic, and also featured in the Heart’s Compass Tarot workbook forthcoming in February 2021 (from a new imprint of Saddle Road Press, Two Fine Crows Books). I am elated the workbook is now with the copy editor. In November we will work on the cover; I’ll share our progress as we go. The workbook offers you a path to becoming your own oracle using tarot journaling to arrive at personal symbols. We have beautiful examples of student created tarot cards, tarot layouts for you to try, and examples of poems, essays, and art inspired by the tarot. I can’t wait to share the workbook with you!

A note on the artwork: The image at the top of the post is from a series I did in March and April (tarot improvisations I posted to my heartscompasstarot Instagram), tarot coloring using three tarot cards as the inspiration to arrive at my own image. I plan to offer a class on tarot coloring soon. This particular image was based on the World Card (XXI), The Knight of Cups, and the 3 of swords. In my tarot journal I wrote:

The XXI World card is is about coming to a place of understanding about the eye, a vantage point to help self and others see themselves anew, with renewed vigor and possibility. The Knight of Cups extends his heart with wings like ladders here. Despite three of swords heartbreak (triangle between 3 lovers, 3 friends, or 3 family members), I have to remember I sometimes needlessly crucify my heart with thoughts that may or may not be true. The question to ask is, “Real or imagined”? And, “Do I have amends to make?” And, if truly toxic, “How can I move away from this with integrity and make amends to myself?”

And the windmill is my personal Ace of Swords I created along with my students, an image for taking adversity and making the most of it, using the energy to fuel new creative projects (and it is included in the Heart’s Compass Tarot workbook).

To stay abreast of upcoming classes and for the monthly tarot prompt I give away, sign up here:

Heart’s Compass Tarot Writing and Newsletter

Additional links of interest:

My long term tarot buddy Mary Allen converses with me on our Tarot for Two podcast here; we have recorded five so far:

How does the tarot work?

What do we do with the bad cards?

Is it just a deck of cards?

The Hanged One

The Empress.

You can access them all here:

Tarot for Two Podcasts