Pollened Slippers Robyn BeattieYour love friend, spins me

Pollened slippers to the sky

Handstands side-by-side.

Remember that friend, like the one I remembered here, triggered by last week’s Six of Cups prompt? Did you climb trees together? Sneak out of bedroom windows on full moon nights for a swim in the river?

Watch a double header of The Shining and The Exorcist, trembling in some kind of twilight sleep toe to head in the one twin bed, til you rose to blast Elvis from the tape deck and make fried egg sandwiches and hot cocoa at 3 a.m.? Drive hours on the freeway to visit one another’s colleges? Take the ferry over to the Statue of Liberty when the little brother married?

Dark Pollened Slippers Robyn BeattieI hope you’ll write that friend a poem…and deliver it. Either by snail mail, or better, bring it over in person with a loaf of bread. And now that you are all grown up, throw some bitter dark sea salt and caramel chocolate truffles and a couple wedges of well-aged cheese into your bread and poetry basket. Maybe some wine, so you’ll have the courage to read the poem aloud.

Tarot Tuesday’s Prompt: ThSeven of Cups

In the Rider Waite Smith depiction of the Seven of Cups, we see the seeker standing enamored of promised riches cascading over brims of seven floating cups, or according to some interpretations, standing enthralled by the lure of the seven deadly sins. Is our seeker daydreaming? Delusional and ungrounded? Or just considering a sudden wealth of options? Is she merely out of present time, preoccupied with the past? Lured by the siren call of false goals?

Where in your life are you like a chameleon, morphing colors and skins to fit into the environment in a way that others feel best suits their dreams and visions for you? Draw seven cups on a piece of paper and write down seven sirens in your past or in your now you find singing to you.

Write your way to the best and worst case scenario involving each of your seven sirens. What do they say to you, and what do you say back?

Linked to the VII Chariot Arcanum numerically, this card invites us to consider the chambers of the heart and what we carry there as we prepare to move forward into the public eye in a new vehicle. An inventory of the heart is in order; give yourself the privacy and time to take stock.

Feel free to respond in comments here or to join the conversation at Tarot Tuesday’s Facebook page to share your word or image response.

Photos are by my poetry movie collaborator Robyn Beattie.

Related Link:

The Colorful Language of Chameleons by Patricia Edmonds at National Geographic

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