Sea Disk Robyn BeattieSea mercurial

Bevels jade, then bevels blue

Hummingbird’s palette.


Rainbows are still following me, haunting me, like the little rainbow appearing on my bedroom wall the other day; I never did find its source. I’m so in love lately with light, especially the ethereal mercurial quality of light shifting on the ocean’s surface when I walk the dog at dawn. Is this really an Ace of Disks Haiku (see last week’s prompt)? Should it really be an Ace of Cups Haiku?

Noble Eye Robyn BeattieHere’s the thing: I wasn’t feeling the ocean’s colors as a heart metaphor (Ace of Cups), I was busy receiving the colors, both those in the sky and those reflected on the water—a spectrum of light I didn’t even know my body craved till I was filled, incandescent with joy.

Can our bodies be a manifestation of the Ace of Disks? Think of the disk sitting in the hand bursting through the cloud. Our hands hold the disk, our hands create. Body forms bridge between earth and sky, eyes receiving light. Maybe the eye, then, is a manifestation of the Disk as portal.

Last night the color of the sea was a beautiful molten indigo; I think I’ll add a dusk walk to my routine. How have you experienced your body as a gift, as the Ace of Disks, as the portal through which you create and bring harvest?

Mercurial Angel Robyn BeattieTuesday’s Prompt: The Two of Disks

Twos are often about balance, or juggling of two different aspects of the suit under question. Here in the Rider Waite Smith image we see a droll juggler in tall red cap, his two disks swathed in a Mobius ribbon (a figure eight, or lemniscate of the magician, same symbol we see also in the Strength card) hinting at the eternal loop of change.

What are you juggling at present? What has recently changed, or needs to change to create the best results for your latest cherished activity, dream, or goal?

For the kinesthetic among us: Consider taking a few beanbags or balls in your hand and trying to juggle them. Juggling two requires one rhythm, and three, another. Notice how fully your body becomes engaged in the concentration of keeping two or three balls in the air (and just how plain hard it is to get two balls gracefully aloft at all).

In which area of your life are you learning new skills that require all of your attention? Are you an Unconscious Juggler juggling for the joy of juggling or is it time to step aside and let the balls fall to the floor?

Feel free to respond in comments here or to join the conversation at Tarot Tuesday’s Facebook page to share your word or image response.

Photos in this post are by my poetry movie collaborator Robyn Beattie.


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