thirde eye butterfly, descending figure

Beginning Blogging: In Person, Coronado Adult Education 2014

Dates:  Session one: Jan 9-Feb 20 7 weeks (Thursday nights from 6-8 pm), Session two: April 10-May 22

Two out of five of your friends started a blog. Why? Should you be blogging too? This gentle course is designed to walk you through the steps you’ll need to take in order to launch a blog. Join us to explore the blogosphere and write your way to material for a potential blog without the pressure of on-line posting. To register, visit  Coronado Adult Education or call (619) 522-8911.

Transformative Blogging

Dates: February 4-March 4 2013

This course offers beginning bloggers the chance to launch a blog and get feedback, and for more experienced bloggers, this course offers the chance to take stock of one’s blogging mask, reach, and other goals and provides a path to recalibration. As is the case with good writing of any kind, the details you choose to present as a blogger make all the difference. You’ll need to make decisions about which parts of yourself or your topic you’ll reveal or explore and who you are striving to become through the process of committing to blogging (since the consistent practice of writing around a focused topic leads inevitably to transformation of various kinds). This blogging course will include inventories and fast-writing exercises (free-writes) designed to help you further your goals as a blogger. In addition, students will create sample blog posts and consider images to pair with those sample posts. Some of our time will be spent scoping out other blogs and blogging networks as well as actively working towards the creation of one’s own comment community. To read rest of course descripton, or to sign up visit: Story Circle Network.


Transformative Blogging for Writing Mothers

Dates: November 5-November 30th 2012

In the wake of motherhood’s potentially all-encompassing submersion, blogging offers a unique way to stay connected during the natural, necessary isolation that can occur when one steps out of former orbits of relation and habit to raise children and lay down new routines (or the sudden quiet arriving when children leave the nest). How do you stay connected to your writing self? This gentle blogging workshop offers a chance to create material towards a future blog or support you as you blog and raise children or redefine your relationship to self and children. Coursework will include the keeping of a journal around blog related inquires and completion of a number of inventories and free-writing exercises as well as a mask-making assignment designed to help us explore the public vs. private line blogging mothers navigate if/when they choose to write about their children and their own lives in a public forum. All levels of writer and blogger welcome and equally welcome are those writing mothers across the spectrum (pregnant with first child, or last one long since launched). Sign up here: Mother, Writer, Mentor.



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