Sunlit Chess Robyn BeattieWhen Robyn sends me this image of sunlight falling across a glass chess set this week, I fit it right into context as a manifestation of the Ace of Wands…Isn’t our sun the brightest example of the Ace of Wands?

Here she is, her light falling against the chess pieces on a board, just as her light falls on all of us playing out our destinies so far below on Earth…absorbing the sunlight into our cells so that we can gather the strength to move, to play, to rest, to thrive.

Nor could I help but see multiple versions of the Ace of Wands in these tree trunk ends, all in a row. Taken singly, they stare up at me as eyes surrounded by growth rings.

the blue wandTaken as a group, each shorn trunk end so varied from the one beside it, I see humanity at large; how unique our particular patterns of growing and learning are, each to each. We all reach the sun in our own way.

And humbly here I am again, writing a Tarot Tuesday on a Wednesday, though I have a sort of Ace of Wands excuse, having signed up this month for a 31 day creativity challenge with Zoetic Press…so I am “on fire” and busy writing poetry. I am using the challenge to enter the new manuscript’s labyrinth again, so I am lost in the heartland, writing about what I learned (and didn’t learn)  so long ago on the Illinois commune.

sky eye tree wandThe cut tree limbs photo was taken by Robyn on her sister’s property (See Ananada’s Line, the poetry/photo tribute to Ananda we collaborated on that went up at Connotation Press some time ago).

Tarot Tuesday: Two of Wands Writing Prompt


small branch endsThe Rider Waite Smith image for the Two of Wands is of a “Lord of Dominion” looking out over the land, world in palm of his hand. Twos are about balance; sometimes this image indicates two wills, or, according to Eden Gray, a balance between thought and will inside of one person. If we consider that all the twos are linked to the High Priestess, we can think about what our will under the guidance of our inner High Priestess looks like.

Finish this imagined dialouge with your inner Higher Priestess:

High Priestess to you: “From my vantage point of spiritual calm, I see that you are reading to move forward and channel your passion and energy towards….” Fill in the blank.

Make a list of thoughts you have about your endeavor at this time, “I think this course of action…” and then let your pure, raw will speak back to each thought about how you wish to proceed. “I will….” “I know I am now capable of…” “I long to…”

Or enter the scene in the Rider Waite Smith Two of Wands card, imagining yourself to be the one holding your world in the palm of your hand. Towards which horizon are you next being pulled? What, to your delight, do you see coming towards you that creates a sense of warmth and expansion in your heart?

Feel free to respond in comments here or to join the conversation at Tarot Tuesday’s Facebook page to share your word or image response.

The photos in this post are by my poetry movie collaborator Robyn Beattie.

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