Tania Pryputniewicz mask shrouded

mask materialsWriting exercises bookend the making of a three-dimensional mask that serves a dual purpose: to provide a layer of distance between the private self and the public blogger entering or re-entering the blogosphere (somewhat like a narrator functions in works of fiction), and/or at the opposite end of the spectrum, to propel us past prior inhibitions (just as a role invites larger expression from an actor).

The in-person mask-making component of this course debuted at A Room of Her Own Foundation’s 2013 Summer retreat at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico; we had an amazing time exploring blog focus and blog persona. I have taught the course on-line for Story Circle Network since 2012 and we manage to share our process via photo, but I admit there’s a special connection to be found in making the masks together, in the same room.

I will be offering this course again in the future and am available to teach this course for small groups.

Poet Lisa Rizzo, blogger at Poet Teacher Seeks World, reflects on our mask-making adventure at AROHO: Discovering Ourselves: Memories of Making a Blog Mask

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