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Wheel of Archetypal Selves: Lovers to Strength On-line with SCN

  March 2015: Wheel of Archetypal Selves, From Lovers to Strength (The Major Arcana from VI to XI) In this on-line writing course offered through Story Circle Network in March, we will use the Major Arcana as a focal point in order to make connections to the archetypes and to our past and current experiences. […]

Shadow Bags, Joan Swift’s Dark Path of Our Names, and Mentor Dolls on #LivetheQuest 2015

“Of all the writers I know, Joan Swift is surely one of the best at transforming reverses into poems of astonishing beauty and strength. Her particular blend of memory, imagination, feeling, and intellect creates an alchemy that changes the base metal of experience into gold.” Madeline DeFrees, Ploughshares, on The Tiger Iris by Joan Swift […]