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Tarot Writing: Wheel of Archetypal Selves On-line with SCN

January 2015: Wheel of Archetypal Selves, From Fool to Visionary (The Major Arcana from 0 to V) In this on-line writing course offered through Story Circle Network in January, we will use the Major Arcana as a focal point in order to make connections to the archetypes and to our past and current experiences. In […]

Beginning Blogging: In Person with San Diego Writers, Ink

January 2015 Beginning Blogging: Two out of five of your friends have started a blog. Why? Should you be blogging too? This gentle, supportive course is designed to walk you through the steps you’ll need to take in order to launch a blog. Join us to explore the blogosphere and write your way towards material […]

Ophelia, Circling Possible Futures and Alternate Endings: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 9

Another image that lived in my home for several years quietly speaking to my subconscious was a painting titled The Rescue of Ophelia (by Christine DeCamp). A massive leaf borders the body of the floating Ophelia as she cradles in her arms an owl, Shakespeare’s last word trumped by DeCamp’s alternate reality. Cross-Pollination: Claudel, DeCamp, and […]

Thumbelina Weighs Her Options: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 8

 I’m surprised to find, in writing the poem, that girl, mother, and flower coexist in the imagination alongside an innocence I thought lost, beside a self I thought irreparably fractured.  Thumbelina: Innocence Found (Feral Mom, Feral Writer) Today’s prompts are based on the poem Thumbelina, originally published by The NonBinary Review in Issue #1, Grimm’s Fairytales (available as a […]