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Letter Blog Posts: Epistolary Heavens

A letter is a Joy of Earth / It is denied the Gods—Emily Dickinson, 1885 Letter writing may be denied the Gods, but Emily’s turn of the phrase, with her distinctive finality inspires a creative challenge—so try it, poets: choose a couple gods and draft up a set of letter poems between them; for reminders […]

How to Use Images on Your Blog: Imaginal Cells, The Fantasy Astrology Store, and Alternate Histories

The human family is now in our own chrysalis. Our Butterfly is soon to be born. You and I are the “imaginal cells” directing that birth.—Carol Lynn Pearson Given their power to instantly tell a story, ignite curiosity, provoke emotion, extend intuition, or inspire debate, images need little explanation for their purpose in augmenting a […]

The Attractant Power and Poetry of List Posts

Did you ever make a list of the qualities you wanted in a lover? Did your list draw to you the one you love? Mine did—eventually–after a string of sour love stories featuring Midwest bars, triangles involving the preacher’s daughter, botched trips to Paris, sports cars that only drove in reverse and more (traversed, written […]

An Interview with the Collaborative Team Behind “The Science of Parenthood”

Last week’s post focused on collaborative approaches to blogging (Trickster Angels: Collaborative Posts and Synthesis Blogs). This week I’m pleased to have an in-depth interview with a pair of entrepeneurial women who decided to draw on two genres to create a third form. When writer and humor blogger Norine Dworkin-McDaniel (who I met at She Writes) teamed up with social web designer […]

Inquiry Posts, Chaucer, and Blogger as Pilgrim

Divination by oracle was used in ancient times to test the ‘luck’ of an enterprise, such as a voyage over unknown and perilous seas. Introduction to Rune Games, by Marijane Osborn and Stella Longland “He who is afraid of asking is afraid of learning,” is a Danish proverb that caught my eye this past week […]