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Collaborations for Bread

Sculptor Sandy Frank and I have been percolating on this project now since spring of 2009, when she asked me for a handful of poems to pen across her sculpture of a male torso (back in the time of early morning check-ins, strolling up the kindergarten rampway as we dropped off our girls and rushed apart to get to […]


The Fertile Source

The Fertile Source published photos, artwork, literary essays, poems, fiction, photos and artwork on fertility-related themes. Those themes further include infertility, abortion, miscarriage, and adoption as well as childbirth, pregnancy, birth control, sex, postpartum depression, breastfeeding, and becoming a parent (though the parenting topics we published directly related to fertility). Book and magazine reviews on […]

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Photo Poem Montages

In seeming counter-intuition to the usual process of listening to poetry and allowing each reader to supply his or her own internal imagery, I’ve been experiementing with making photo poem montages set to music. I’ve been blessed to work closely with photographer Robyn Beattie for more than seven years now. At first, I simply posted her […]