Tarot Writing: Wheel of Archetypal Selves On-line with SCN

January 2015: Wheel of Archetypal Selves, From Fool to Visionary (The Major Arcana from 0 to V) In this on-line writing course offered through Story Circle Network in January, we will use the Major Arcana as a focal point in order to make…
Butterfly on orange wall dripping blue beads

Beginning Blogging: In Person with San Diego Writers, Ink

January 2015 Beginning Blogging: Two out of five of your friends have started a blog. Why? Should you be blogging too? This gentle, supportive course is designed to walk you through the steps you’ll need to take in order to launch a blog.…

Nov 10 Sonoma County Writing Workshop & Book Launch: Coffee Catz

What story have you kept in the cocoon? What would happen if you wrote it out, just for you? In this dual focus workshop, we'll consider our heroes, both famous and family, who have inspired us. Using them as inspiration, we'll write our…

Nov 1 SDWI Workshop & Book Launch, Writing Past Fear: Free Your Butterfly

What story have you kept in the cocoon? What would happen if you wrote it out, just for you? In this dual focus workshop, we'll consider our heroes, both famous and family, who have inspired us. Using them as inspiration, we'll write our…
Blue Butterfly on blue backdrop with pearls and square clear beads

Intermediate Blogging: In Person with San Diego Writers, Ink

Your blog is up and running or the one you’ve been considering is nearing launch. Join us to maintain your blogging momentum and challenge your comfort zone. Topics we explore include finding your blogging tribe and growing your network, choosing…
Butterfly on orange wall dripping blue beads

Beginning Blogging: On-Line with Story Circle Network

Two out of five of your friends have started a blog. Why? Should you be blogging too? This gentle, supportive course is designed to walk you through the steps you’ll need to take in order to launch a blog. Join us to explore the blogosphere…