Janus the Spirit of Doorways: Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016

Living the Quest in meditation, I crouch on a cool stone floor, facing a leaden wall. I pull my brown cloak closer around my shoulders and listen for a long moment from inside this familiar, tense, and hyper vigilant stance. I take a deep…

Taking the Slow Express: Tarot Visioning with The Nine of Wands on Quest 2016

Living the Quest, I sit at the park with a friend in the sun watching our two nine year-olds inch incrementally down the blue plastic double slide. Five minutes later our boys have not progressed more than a quarter of the way down. “What…

Tarot Visioning with the Ace of Wands on Quest 2016

Living the Quest, The Ace of Wands begins to appear past the borders of the Tarot cards and past the rainbow of colored pencils on my daily table, past the warmth of the inner sun of my heart. I saw it on the beach, a tall, red, rusting sea…

Igniting the Heart Torus: Tarot Visioning with the Ace of Wands on Quest 2016

Quest 2016 continues with Jeffrey Davis. Here is an abridged version of the prompt Jeffrey asked us (join us for his full prompt and to play into 2016, we are still welcoming newcomers): Imagine your best possible self at the end of a day…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 13 with Srinivas Rao

Quest 2016 continues with Srinivas Rao, author of The Art of Being Unmistakable: What will you do in 2016 to assure you and your best work are unmistakable? I’m walking with my husband, our middle son Orion, and the Husky. A full moon…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 12 with Jen Louden

Quest 2016 continues with personal growth pioneer Jen Louden. She asked questers: What’s the story you most desire to bring to life in 2016?  What’s the story your just right client most desires to bring to life in 2016?  Where…