Sisters of the Orange, A Tale of Three Oranges: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 5

Between those trees, I first felt it / like dusk or the roil of the astral body down the thumbs-width tunnel between dreams: / The dark horse-bites of men’s glances—For the Love of Three Oranges, November Butterfly (Saddle Road Press,…

Jay DeFeo’s Rose, or Stein cursived hers on her ceiling for Alice: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 4

Here is an image of a flower’s flower, replete with “sinuous rills” to borrow from Coleridge (Kubla Khan). We all get to be Georgia in front of a flower, inhabiting her eye for a fractionally inspired several seconds, to the tune…

Amelia, Crossing for the Crossing: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 3

Perhaps Amelia disliked the scarf, pale yellow and indigo paisley under glass in the San Diego Air and Space Museum, where in a cubicle it sits beside her book, also behind glass in a sister cubicle where it can’t be read: "The fun of…

Sylvia, Is It Sleep or Words You Miss: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 2

In good company with many a girl poet of my generation, I remember (at the naïve age of 19) stepping out of the pristine order of Plath’s poetry and circling her life, which really meant hunting Ted, blaming Ted, for Sylvia’s destruction;…

Marilyn, or No Girl Sets Out to Die: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 1

“…the reverse birth image never left me, of petals, hummingbirds, and Marilyn trying to breathe…”-- Marilyn, Arriving: Collage, Astrology and Poetry (Feral Mom, Feral Writer) November Butterfly (my first poetry collection, Saddle…

The Kiln Has a Vote: Creativity and Risk with Robyn Beattie

I know that the secret conversation between the fire and my work will get told eventually, when the door is finally opened... -- Robyn Beattie To illustrate the transformative nature of revealing secrets in Writing and the Public/Private…