Robyn Beattie dessert salt meander

The “How To” Blog Post, or How Your Meander Creates an Aerial Snake to Remember

The other night, as my daughter and I grappled with her geography homework, we scanned through aerial photos of the sinuous path waterways make as they meander across the Earth. I couldn’t help but connect the winding pattern to writing. While…

The Oracle at Delphi, Your Blog Subtitle, and Three Examples

You’ve settled on a succinct but rousing blog title with decent “click pull”—at least to attract your tribe. Now that your visitor has arrived, your next opportunity to woo lies in your subtitle which should appear in the head-mast of…

The Ex-boyfriend, The Blogosphere, and Why Your Blog Title Matters

Back in college, I had a boyfriend who chided me (he was a fellow poet) for the hours I spent writing journal entries. “If you invested your time instead crafting a poem a day or writing to any kind of outline, you’d have written a library…

Welcome to Transformative Blogging for Women: 2013 Year of Inquiry

I am very excited to announce this project, meant as an active pathway to supporting women bloggers as they take the risk to launch or better their blogs. Are you looking for a community of women writers to surround you as you take the leap?…