Tarot Tuesday: Pregnancy, The Five of Disks, and a Six of Disks Prompt

 Third Child Worry is the work of pregnancy: You’re too old, too tired, Your marriage won’t survive, firstborn we fear displacing in the next room telling her father she’d like to see the baby. Now. Open to page where tadpole curls…

Tarot Tuesday: The Five of Disks

Old-growth tree-heart bared Ladder through concentric rings Body listening Living my Four of Disks week, I thought about the Thoth deck’s power image of the moat surrounding a simple castle structure with four square turrets,…

Tarot Tuesday: The Four of Disks

My experience of the Three of Disks this week was creating with my children. Families in our city were busy making versions of the Mission San Diego De Alcala for Social Studies this month. Under our roof, the youngest son was in the hot seat…

Tarot Tuesday: The Three of Disks, or Art for All

Nautilus help me Love both spiral to and from My changing children If you have more than one Tarot Deck, I’m sure you can relate to having favorite depictions of certain cards for certain times in your life. Before I raised children,…

Tarot Tuesday: The Two of Disks, or the Unconscious Juggler

Sea mercurial Bevels jade, then bevels blue Hummingbird’s palette.   Rainbows are still following me, haunting me, like the little rainbow appearing on my bedroom wall the other day; I never did find its source. I’m so in…

Tarot Tuesday: The Ace of Disks, or The Gift of Preparing to Receive

Dusk rain on oil slick Heavens the street at our feet. Which sky hosts, you, me? All of last week I held the Rider Waite Smith Ten of Cups image in my mind, that sunny, happy image of a young couple with arms upraised, children linked…