Heart’s Compass Tarot Consults 

Since the tarot entered my life over twenty-five years ago, I have experienced such lovely heart resonance working with writers, bloggers, artists, mothers, survivors and seekers. I read from the heart with compassion, empathy, and love to help you align with your heart’s desires and dreams. Together we look for opportunities for you to move towards joy.

In your hour long session, conducted over Zoom or Skype, we focus on the question of your choice using a nine-card layout. We discuss your intention and question to arrive at the focus that best aligns with your concerns. We use the tarot as a mirror to help you tap into your inner wisdom. We pull additional cards to clarify your questions and inspire next steps. Through our tarot dialogue we arrive at three to five personalized tarot journaling prompts to help you continue to explore your questions and connect to your insights. For more information, use the links below:

Request a reading with Tania

or you can IM me from my Hearts Compass Tarot and Writing Facebook page.

This is the right reading for you if:

There’s a situation weighing on your heart and mind. You are looking for a way to become more deeply present to what faces you today, eager to understand which challenges may be presenting themselves, and which hidden gifts and choices you may have so you can move forward with self-compassion, confidence, and joy

You are looking for another set of eyes and another heart view of the situation weighing on your mind, heart, or conscience

You are visually inspired and looking for some ideas for how to move forward with an open heart

You enjoy working with images through meditation or journaling to connect to the messages of tarot

Tarot Based Writing and Related Links:

Podcast Page at Tarot for Two

Tarot for Two

Your Tarot Adventure: Tarot Writing Exercise for You

winged goat emerging from center of the sun, conch and mermaid tail, diamond green staff diagonally bisects sun

Artwork by Tania Pryputniewicz

Tarot Bio:

Tania Pryputniewicz has worked with the tarot for over twenty-five years. Her tarot teachers include Reverend Jacqueline of the Temple of Living Prayer and Astrologers Quan Tracy Cherry and Bonnie Orgren. While pursuing her MFA at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Tania read cards for the Vortex Crystal and Gem Store, The Women’s Center, and The Women’s Music Festival in Iowa City. She also taught Beginning Tarot during that time and worked one on one with students of the tarot, publishing “Tarot as Spiritual Midwifery” (an article celebrating the work of the late Angeles Arrien, Icon).

Tania’s poetry collection, November Butterfly, was published by Saddle Road Press in 2014.  At Tarot for Two, Tania co-blogs with writer Mary Allen; both writers explore the connection between their daily lives and their Tarot “cards of the month.”  Tania’s current Tarot Writing courses combine writing, journaling, and personal tarot card-making in conjunction with the study of the tarot (offered through Antioch University Online and San Diego Writers, Ink). Tania’s Heart’s Compass Tarot Workbook is forthcoming in February 2021 from *Two Fine Crows Books, new imprint of Saddle Road Press. She lives in San Diego with her husband, three children, one Siberian Husky and two tubby housecats.

Prior Public Tarot Events:

Oxnard High School Writers Festival, Literary Tarot Card Readings. February, 2020.

San Diego Yoga Festival March 2 and 3rd, 2019, Imperial Beach.

AWP Portland, March 27-30, 2019, at the Saddle Road Press booth: 3-card readings on writer’s block.

Tarot as Poet’s Mirror; consults for A Room of Her Own Foundation’s Summer 2015 writing retreat for women writers.

Testimonials from Consults:

I had the great pleasure of receiving a tarot reading from Tania when in the midst of creating a portfolio of imagery entitled ‘Heroines.’ Tania’s attention to the reading was clear and perceptive. Her extensive follow-up notes concerning the reading were quite helpful and gave me additional confidence to proceed with the project. I ended up receiving a Julia Margaret Cameron award for the portfolio, and it was exhibited at the 2016 Foto Biennale in Berlin. I am quite certain that my interaction with Tania through the tarot reading that summer was a factor in the success I attained that year. I would definitely work with her again in the future.

Elizabeth Kenneday, Photographer/Writer

 I had a consultation with Tania at a time when I felt disorientated on my general path in life as a poet; she was a valuable help to me in clarifying what I was searching for and defining my obstacles. Also her writing prompts gave me inspiration to kick-start and structure a budding poetic project that I am still working on. I loved the chance to choose between several gorgeous decks of cards and being able to pick the one that felt just right to me at the moment. Tania is insightful and warm and made me feel comfortable in sharing and elaborating personal thoughts. I truly enjoyed the session and wouldn’t hesitate to do another one or to recommend her to anyone looking for an alternative kind of input to their writing.   

Cindy Lynn Brown, Danish/American poet


Testimonials from Tarot Writing Students:

  • As a published poet whose writing has plumbed the depths of the symbolic world underpinning the Tarot, and as an illuminating guide and teacher to their archetypal keys, there are few, if any, other mentors of Tania’s calibre whose call to follow the threads of meaning will carry you to the spaces within where you have long yearned to go. I recently took Tania’s class on the Wheel of Archetypal Selves, and was amazed each week not just at Tania’s deeply intuitive responses to my work, but even more so at the places and levels of inner understanding to which she led me. Tania teaches as if she is transporting her students on a magic carpet through the landscape of the Tarot. I cannot recommend her classes highly enough! —Edith O’Nuallain, Ireland


  • I’ve taken all of Tania Pryputniewicz’s Tarot classes (and two of her blogging classes) and her course materials are always stimulating and inspiring. I’ve learned to think about the Tarot in a different way thanks to Tania’s writing exercises. Tania always makes very insightful and helpful comments. It’s a great dialogue—we’ve learned together. I’ve learned so much about the Tarot, and about myself through this class. I think some people might be put off by the idea of working with the Tarot, but Tania connects the cards to life and we’ve had such great conversations about life and love and more as we’ve worked through the major arcana. —Mary C., Pine CO


  • Tania Pryputniewicz’s knowledge of the tarot and writing and combining the two is incredible. The exercises she sends and the feedback are always right on target and she provides additional exercises for certain topics (as they arise). I still re-read some of her feedback for inspiration. —Lynn W., Irving TX


  • I loved the materials Tania Pryputniewicz presented and the responses she gave to what I managed to write…I LOVED the materials and the instructor. I will come back to them for some time and they will continue to inspire and inform my writing. —Marsha P., Bala Cynwyd PA