A partial list of interviews conducted by Tania Pryputniewicz for The Fertile Source, an on-line literary ezine devoted to publishing fiction, non-fiction, poetry and artwork on all aspects of pregnancy, labor, birth, fertility, miscarriage, abortion, and adoption:

Beattie, Robyn: Fertile Variations: The Pregnant Body with Photographer Robyn Beattie  July 4, 2011

Bonczek, Michelle:  Lamplighters and Unfertilized Eggs: Questioning Fertility-Centered Female Identity, Shadow Dialogues, and Conscious Choice/Conscious Devotion with Poet Michelle Bonczek January 3, 2011

Capria, Alana I: “Abbreviated Motherhood, Abortion as Form of Love, and Revision as Medicine with Alana I. Capria,” September 13, 2010

Corrigan, Brittney: An Interview with Brittney Corrigan: Second Hearts, Autism, and Mother Writer Retreats  August 22, 2011

DeCamp, Christine: Rhythms of Women and Nature: An Interview with Artist Christine DeCamp By Tania Pryputniewicz May 2, 2011

Flowers, Christopher: “The Common Ground of Emotion under Adversity: Witness/Father/Poet Christopher Flowers on ‘Ultrasound’ and ‘Skull Tectonics’”  January 17, 2011

Fraser, Katherine: “Testaments to Resiliency: Deferred Motherhood, Divorce and Peace in the Artwork of Katherine Fraser,” February 12, 2011

Glen-Smith, David: Possible Futures: Poetry, Puerto Rico and Adoption with David-Glen Smith November 28, 2011

Hageman, Sheila: “Yoga, Body Image, and Motherhood vs. Stripping: An Interview with Sheila Hagemen,” March 16, 2010.

Karpinska, Janina Ava: Reflections on Writing: Life, Laundry and Loss with Poet Janina Aza Karpinska November 8, 2010

Kercher, Timothy: “Triplets and Translation in the Republic of Georgia with Poet Timothy Kercher.” February 16, 2011

Kinzie, Rebecca: “Suspended in Midair: Infants, Graduate School, and Wild Swans” August 30, 2011

Lenox, Stephanie: Limitations, Imitations, and Haiku as Form of Expansion: an Interview with Poet Stephanie Lenox October 24, 2011

McPherson, Sandra: Poetry’s Secret Rooms with Sandra McPherson: Bloodlines, Adoption, and The Spaces Between Birds August 16, 2011

O’Brien, Andrea: The Mystery and The Mess: Motherlines and Motherless Women with Poet Andrea O’Brien June 20, 2011

Powers, J.L.: HIV-AIDS in Africa, rape and sexual violence in South Africa and Becoming a Mother Writer: an Interview with J.L. Powers March 21, 2011

Richards, Jim: Father Witness, Birth vs. God: An Interview with poet Jim Richards May 30, 2011

Rizzo, Lisa: Celebrating the Foregoing of Motherhood: Poetry in the Service of Spiritual Quandary, Lineage, and Teaching Adolescents with Poet Lisa Rizzo November 14, 2011.

Rohan, Ethel: The Power of Domestic Realism, Male Protaginists and The Dual Degree: Mills and Motherhood with Writer Ethel Rohan  July 18, 2011

Ruefman, Dan: UnBroken Man: Daniel Ruefman on Relinquishing a Child, the Deadbeat Father Myth, and Second Chances December 6, 2010

Sobkiw, Elizabeth: Pregnant in a Barren Landscape: Art, Control, and Premature Ovarian Failure with Artist Elizabeth Sobkiw September 19, 2011

Swift, Joan: The Poetry of Joan Swift: Snow on a Crocus, Formalities of a Neonaticide  October 12, 2010

Voute Roeder, Antoinette: An Interview with Antoinette Voûte Roeder: The Poetry of Reunion, Poetry as Communion November 22, 2010

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