
Wheel of Archetypal Selves: The Many Faces of Change

In this on-line Tarot Writing course, we will explore Tarot’s many faces of Change, from Public Change (Chariot, Wheel of Fortune) to Impediments to Change (Hanged One, Devil) to Mind/Body Change (Hermit, Strength), to Structural Change (Tower),…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 7 with John Jantsch

Horizon Work with Visionary Jeffrey Davis This week on the private forum we use to “meet” on Quest 2016, in addition to bringing us a prompt by author and  marketing expert John Jantsch, Jeffrey Davis offered us a beautiful visualization…

Tarot Writing: Wheel of Archetypal Selves On-line with SCN

January 2015: Wheel of Archetypal Selves, From Fool to Visionary (The Major Arcana from 0 to V) In this on-line writing course offered through Story Circle Network in January, we will use the Major Arcana as a focal point in order to make…