
Why I Quest: A Fall Gratitude Post

When I was a sprinter, my sixth grade coach nicknamed me the silver bullet. Having lived the body metaphor, I recognize if you run a race at someone else’s pace, you risk burning through reserves and finding yourself without a kick…

Tarot Tuesday: Three Sisters and a Four of Wands Writing Prompt

I thought all week about groups of three individuals working together as I considered last week’s writing prompt: Shifting Perceptions of Brokenness and a Three of Wands prompt, and in particular this phrase: If the three wands represent…

Shadow Bags, Joan Swift’s Dark Path of Our Names, and Mentor Dolls on #LivetheQuest 2015

"Of all the writers I know, Joan Swift is surely one of the best at transforming reverses into poems of astonishing beauty and strength. Her particular blend of memory, imagination, feeling, and intellect creates an alchemy that changes the…

Trusting the Noir Fairytale on Tracking Wonder’s #LivetheQuest

What burning question of possibility will influence what and how you create in the next 3 months? If you’d like to join us on this living quest, here’s a link where you can read about what us questers on #Quest2015, now #LivetheQuest,…

A Nightmare, A Sky Boat, and Serendipity on Tracking Wonder #Quest2015

As I joined Tracking Wonder’s #Quest 2015 midway through, I’m answering, in mingled order, the challenging and stimulating prompts put to us by the thirteen visionaries Jeffrey Davis chose for us. Somewhere in the middle of December the…