
Wheel of Archetypal Selves: The Many Faces of Change

In this on-line Tarot Writing course, we will explore Tarot’s many faces of Change, from Public Change (Chariot, Wheel of Fortune) to Impediments to Change (Hanged One, Devil) to Mind/Body Change (Hermit, Strength), to Structural Change (Tower),…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 10 with Charlie Gilkey

Quest 2016 continues today with a prompt by best selling author and powerhouse behind the site, Productive Flourishing, Charlie Gilkey. He asked questers: Which element of your best work do you most want to amplify this year? Charlie clarified…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 9 with Chris Brogan

Quest 2016 continues with CEO of Owner Media Group Chris Brogan. Brogan asked Questers: How will you better clarify whom you serve and what you do for them in 2016? Today’s Tarot Layout I pulled a card for each website where I…

Wheel of Archetypal Selves: Hanged One to Star On-line with SCN

May 2015: Wheel of Archetypal Selves, From Hanged One to Star (The Major Arcana from XII to XVII) In this on-line writing course offered through Story Circle Network in May, we will use the Major Arcana as a focal point in order to make connections…