
A Butterfly Lantern for Querents

Here's a recent sketch, using one of my favorite exercises from the Heart’s Compass Tarot and Writing Workbook I’m working hard to finish this month. For this exercise, you draw three tarot cards in order to create a drawing of your…

Tarot Tuesday: Cupped Palms and a Nine of Disks Writing Prompt

Living my Eight of Disks week, I find myself in hibernation with my darling Flamingo writing group (though we will Come Out: we are appearing this coming Saturday for the first time as ourselves, The Flamingos, at Four Eyed Frog Books in Gualala.…

Wheel of Archetypal Selves: The Many Faces of Change

In this on-line Tarot Writing course, we will explore Tarot’s many faces of Change, from Public Change (Chariot, Wheel of Fortune) to Impediments to Change (Hanged One, Devil) to Mind/Body Change (Hermit, Strength), to Structural Change (Tower),…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 11 with Todd Henry

Quest 2016 continues today with a prompt by Todd Henry. Henry asked questers: It takes bravery to know your strengths and operate diligently within them. Are you running your race, or someone else’s? Motherhood and Racing When I was…

Wheel of Archetypal Selves: Lovers to Strength On-line with SCN

  March 2015: Wheel of Archetypal Selves, From Lovers to Strength (The Major Arcana from VI to XI) In this on-line writing course offered through Story Circle Network in March, we will use the Major Arcana as a focal point in order to…