
Trusting the Noir Fairytale on Tracking Wonder’s #LivetheQuest

What burning question of possibility will influence what and how you create in the next 3 months? If you’d like to join us on this living quest, here’s a link where you can read about what us questers on #Quest2015, now #LivetheQuest,…

A Nightmare, A Sky Boat, and Serendipity on Tracking Wonder #Quest2015

As I joined Tracking Wonder’s #Quest 2015 midway through, I’m answering, in mingled order, the challenging and stimulating prompts put to us by the thirteen visionaries Jeffrey Davis chose for us. Somewhere in the middle of December the…

Phoenix Eggs in the House of My Father on Tracking Wonder #Quest2015

How could you make moments of joy a sacred priority in 2015?
 What forms will such moments take? 
Doodle, draw, photograph, or write your way into these questions... –Sunni Brown of the TED Talk “Doodlers Unite!” One of my favorite…

Blogging & The Shadow Self: Windows of Opportunity with Tracking Wonder #Quest2015

I’ve rolled up my sleeves and joined the Tracking Wonder Vision Quest 2015 for the month of December, stepping midstream into a beautiful group of questers and visionaries delving into hearts and intentions under the compassionate curatorial…

Tracking Wonder Vision Quest 2015: Stopping to Start

I’m joining the Tracking Wonder Vision Quest 2015 for the month of December and stepping midstream into a beautiful group of questers and visionaries delving into hearts and intentions under the compassionate curatorial stewardship of Jeffrey…