
Typewriter e by Robyn Beattie

Letter Blog Posts: Epistolary Heavens

A letter is a Joy of Earth / It is denied the Gods—Emily Dickinson, 1885 Letter writing may be denied the Gods, but Emily’s turn of the phrase, with her distinctive finality inspires a creative challenge—so try it, poets: choose a couple…

The Attractant Power and Poetry of List Posts

Did you ever make a list of the qualities you wanted in a lover? Did your list draw to you the one you love? Mine did—eventually--after a string of sour love stories featuring Midwest bars, triangles involving the preacher’s daughter, botched…
corazon earring four chambered heart

By the Spell of the Spin, The Human Calendar, or How to Write a Worthy Holiday Post

Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours… Black Elk, Holy man of the Oglala Sioux 1836-1950 (from Black Elk Speaks) Let’s say you’ve blogged merrily along so far, only to run headlong into blogger block.…