
Mordred’s Dream: November Butterfly Prompt 12

Today’s prompts were inspired in part by a series of poems featuring Guinevere’s Camelot, published in November Butterfly (Saddle Road Press, 2014) and specifically by the poem Mordred’s Dream (originally published by Poetry Flash). While…

She Dressed in a Hurry, for Lady Diana: November Butterfly Prompt 7

Maureen’s husband—just like mine would have done--drifted into the bedroom once or twice, apologizing profusely, looking for a raincoat, a hat, and yet the poem held on, more or less down on the page by the end of the two hours, born amidst…

Nabokov: Lolita wake! November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 6

In the poem Nabokov (forthcoming in November Butterfly, Saddle Road Press, November 1, 2014), Prufrock from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Nabokov’s Lolita, Sky Chief’s Daughter from the Trickster Tale Raven and Gretl from the fairytale…

Sylvia, Is It Sleep or Words You Miss: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 2

In good company with many a girl poet of my generation, I remember (at the naïve age of 19) stepping out of the pristine order of Plath’s poetry and circling her life, which really meant hunting Ted, blaming Ted, for Sylvia’s destruction;…

Marilyn, or No Girl Sets Out to Die: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 1

“…the reverse birth image never left me, of petals, hummingbirds, and Marilyn trying to breathe…”-- Marilyn, Arriving: Collage, Astrology and Poetry (Feral Mom, Feral Writer) November Butterfly (my first poetry collection, Saddle…