
Typewriter by Robyn Beattie

Poetry Read and Critique

I'd love to write poetry with you in person. I am blessed to call San Diego Writers, Ink, one of my teaching homes. We are located at Liberty Station. Please join me for Second Saturdays: Poetry Read and Critique. *As of March 2020, this class…

Thirteen Writing Prompts for November Butterfly and Three Questions

This November marks the two-year anniversary of the publication of my first poetry collection, November Butterfly. I’ve just finished a 15 page companion prompt PDF titled, November Butterfly: Thirteen Writing Prompts Based on the Power and…

Jeanne d’Arc, or It Goes On Still Inside Certain Girls: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 10

“No excuse to hide, or your daughter will,” is a line I cut (for its baldness) and then kept splicing back in to a Joan of Arc poem….As a poet I’m cursed with that childlike belief in the incantatory strength of words to push sunward…

Sisters of the Orange, A Tale of Three Oranges: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 5

Between those trees, I first felt it / like dusk or the roil of the astral body down the thumbs-width tunnel between dreams: / The dark horse-bites of men’s glances—For the Love of Three Oranges, November Butterfly (Saddle Road Press,…

Amelia, Crossing for the Crossing: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 3

Perhaps Amelia disliked the scarf, pale yellow and indigo paisley under glass in the San Diego Air and Space Museum, where in a cubicle it sits beside her book, also behind glass in a sister cubicle where it can’t be read: "The fun of…

Fairy Tales, Facebook, and Poetry Prompts with Guest Blogger Erica Goss

Erica Goss writes a video poetry column, The Third Form, for Connotation Press (something I discovered not too long ago when I was foraging for video poetry sites).  Her new book, Vibrant Words: Ideas and Inspirations for Poets, is a collection…