
Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 3 with Debbie Millman

Quest 2016 continues with a prompt by author, educator, brand strategist and graphic designer Debbie Millman. You’ll find podcasts of interviews with an amazing array of graphic designers, and you’ll also see Millman’s inspiring tagline: “And…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 2 with Jonathan Fields

Quest 2016 continues with the following prompt by Jonathan Fields: You wake up to discover a knock at your door. A wealthy uncle you barely knew has passed and left you a fortune. It's more than enough to live out your days in glorious splendor,…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 1 with Susan Piver

During the month of December, I’m blogging to Tracking Wonder’s Quest 2016 prompts using the Tarot as a way to deepen my process of visioning my best 2016. Tracking Wonder’s community of wildly diverse creatives, under the curatorial wizardry…