
Tarot Tuesday: The Five of Disks

Old-growth tree-heart bared Ladder through concentric rings Body listening Living my Four of Disks week, I thought about the Thoth deck’s power image of the moat surrounding a simple castle structure with four square turrets,…

Tarot Tuesday: Five of Cups

Did I make this cup? Behind potter’s door, kiln waits-- Lover of all forms. Behind this door, clay, studio, kiln, and the many pairs of hands choosing what to sculpt and fire co-mingle in rhythm of activity and stillness. I'm thinking…

Tarot Tuesday: Four Pillars of the Heart

Three incoming souls Siblings, they chose us, we them Such blind bravery Observing my life for Three of Cups experiences, last week’s synergy of three manifested in the joy of watching my three children interact playfully with one…