
Tarot Tuesday: The Five of Disks

Old-growth tree-heart bared Ladder through concentric rings Body listening Living my Four of Disks week, I thought about the Thoth deck’s power image of the moat surrounding a simple castle structure with four square turrets,…

Tarot Tuesday: The Ace of Disks, or The Gift of Preparing to Receive

Dusk rain on oil slick Heavens the street at our feet. Which sky hosts, you, me? All of last week I held the Rider Waite Smith Ten of Cups image in my mind, that sunny, happy image of a young couple with arms upraised, children linked…

Tarot Tuesday: The Pilgrim in Red, or The Eight of Cups

I chase peacock’s tail-- Who can resist dawn’s dewed lawn, Trill of rainbow keen? Every heart has the capacity to be confused, lured by the “seven deadly sins”…or, to give them a gentler name, seven sisters (or brothers) of…

Tarot Tuesday: Five of Cups

Did I make this cup? Behind potter’s door, kiln waits-- Lover of all forms. Behind this door, clay, studio, kiln, and the many pairs of hands choosing what to sculpt and fire co-mingle in rhythm of activity and stillness. I'm thinking…

Tarot Tuesday: The Cups of Regret

I am no dragon Or so I thought. Why then Hoard these cups of regret?   The sea today is Ananda blue, the very colors Ananda used in this painting ("Sea Maiden") I chose to pair with today’s Haiku for the Two of Cups. The late…

The Wheel of Archetypal Selves: Tarot Tuesdays

With great joy I invite you to join me on Tuesdays at my new Wheel of Archetypal Selves Facebook page, where, starting today, every Tuesday I’ll be posting us a question to ponder in relation to the Tarot card of the week. I’m going…