
Sandy Frank sculpture red haired woman black birds and poem Someone by Tania Pryputniewicz

Tarot Tuesday: Idea to Form and a Ten of Disks Writing Prompt

Living my Nine of Disks week on writing retreat at Sea Ranch on the Northern California Coast, I found myself deeply connected to the card’s corresponding Major Arcanum, The Hermit. Though surrounded by eight of my writing sisters (a full…
Typewriter e by Robyn Beattie

Letter Blog Posts: Epistolary Heavens

A letter is a Joy of Earth / It is denied the Gods—Emily Dickinson, 1885 Letter writing may be denied the Gods, but Emily’s turn of the phrase, with her distinctive finality inspires a creative challenge—so try it, poets: choose a couple…
Sandy Frank sculpture red haired woman with monarch detail and poem Someone

Collaborations for Bread

Sculptor Sandy Frank and I have been percolating on this project now since spring of 2009, when she asked me for a handful of poems to pen across her sculpture of a male torso (back in the time of early morning check-ins, strolling up the…