
Heart’s Compass Tarot: Valentine’s Day Release

*Join us for the Facebook Live Event for Heart's Compass Tarot at 1 pm PST, Valentines Day. The event is free and open to the public.  I am elated to share the cover of Heart’s Compass Tarot: Discover Tarot Journaling and Create…

Tarot for Transition: Tarot Journaling for Joy

Self-love’s Ace of Cups Egret lands, folds outstretched wings Heart rests between flights. I wrote this tarot haiku years ago after watching an egret sail into view, land beside the bay, and fold his outstretched wings onto his back.…
eye behind a set of wings connected by blue ladder rungs, bordered by waves and lanes of fire

From Fear to Love: Tarot Webinars

My fortune, my eyes How I see shapes my bounty Hazel ups and downs. --excerpt, NILVX, A Book of Magic, II(II): Tarot Series II, 2019 The older I get, the more I realize that my perspective is my bounty. Tarot is a tool we can use…
One blue hand reaching towards a red hand over a mirror rainbow sky, Art Card Ten of Wands, Knight of Disks.

Tarot Improvisation: Creating Your Own Tarot-Inspired Art

Living in this pandemic-induced dual awareness of the cozy home orbit and the grave, grey anxiety of the collective mortality we face globally has brought me back to my desk where I’ve been coloring into the night as an antidote. If you…
candles, flower bouquet, "wish" star, "believe" star, Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

Using the Tarot to Ask and Answer What Kind of Writer or Artist am I?

Waving from my kitchen table to yours under “shelter in place” orders in California as of last night due to the coronavirus, with time to take stock of yesterday’s joys. Here’s a simple tarot reading you can do for yourself based on…
journal, heart with compass points, peacock feather pen