
Tarot Tuesday: Shifting Perceptions of Brokenness and a Three of Wands Writing Prompt

“Balance within my domain” (Angeles Arrien, The Tarot Handbook: Practical Applications of Ancient Visual Symbols) is how I experienced and lived my Two of Wands week (writing prompt for Two of Wands here). My dear friend Mary Allen visited…

Tarot Tuesday: The Five of Disks

Old-growth tree-heart bared Ladder through concentric rings Body listening Living my Four of Disks week, I thought about the Thoth deck’s power image of the moat surrounding a simple castle structure with four square turrets,…

Tarot Devotions: Reading My Son, Nature, and The Star Card

Flying along the California coast from San Diego to Oakland, I am already paying the price mothers pay when they go off on a weekend writing retreat. Sitting on the runway, in concert with the stewardess’s final request for us to turn off…