
Why I Quest: A Fall Gratitude Post

When I was a sprinter, my sixth grade coach nicknamed me the silver bullet. Having lived the body metaphor, I recognize if you run a race at someone else’s pace, you risk burning through reserves and finding yourself without a kick…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 8 with Sally Hogshead

You have to see how the world sees you. That can be unnerving.—from Tracking Wonder’s blogpost, “Own how the world sees your creative genius….” Quest 2016 continues with a look at the work of Sally Hogshead. I first came to know…

Tarot Visioning on Quest 2016: Prompt 1 with Susan Piver

During the month of December, I’m blogging to Tracking Wonder’s Quest 2016 prompts using the Tarot as a way to deepen my process of visioning my best 2016. Tracking Wonder’s community of wildly diverse creatives, under the curatorial wizardry…

November Gratitudes and December Offerings

 The Gratitudes November marks the one-year anniversary of the publication of my first book of poetry, November Butterfly. I am deeply grateful to Ruth Thompson and Don Mitchell of Saddle Road Press. What a beautiful year it has been, full…

Blogging & The Shadow Self: Windows of Opportunity with Tracking Wonder #Quest2015

I’ve rolled up my sleeves and joined the Tracking Wonder Vision Quest 2015 for the month of December, stepping midstream into a beautiful group of questers and visionaries delving into hearts and intentions under the compassionate curatorial…

Tracking Wonder Vision Quest 2015: Stopping to Start

I’m joining the Tracking Wonder Vision Quest 2015 for the month of December and stepping midstream into a beautiful group of questers and visionaries delving into hearts and intentions under the compassionate curatorial stewardship of Jeffrey…