Nov 10 Sonoma County Writing Workshop & Book Launch: Coffee Catz

What story have you kept in the cocoon? What would happen if you wrote it out, just for you? In this dual focus workshop, we'll consider our heroes, both famous and family, who have inspired us. Using them as inspiration, we'll write our…

Sisters of the Orange, A Tale of Three Oranges: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 5

Between those trees, I first felt it / like dusk or the roil of the astral body down the thumbs-width tunnel between dreams: / The dark horse-bites of men’s glances—For the Love of Three Oranges, November Butterfly (Saddle Road Press,…

Jay DeFeo’s Rose, or Stein cursived hers on her ceiling for Alice: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 4

Here is an image of a flower’s flower, replete with “sinuous rills” to borrow from Coleridge (Kubla Khan). We all get to be Georgia in front of a flower, inhabiting her eye for a fractionally inspired several seconds, to the tune…

Amelia, Crossing for the Crossing: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 3

Perhaps Amelia disliked the scarf, pale yellow and indigo paisley under glass in the San Diego Air and Space Museum, where in a cubicle it sits beside her book, also behind glass in a sister cubicle where it can’t be read: "The fun of…

Sylvia, Is It Sleep or Words You Miss: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 2

In good company with many a girl poet of my generation, I remember (at the naïve age of 19) stepping out of the pristine order of Plath’s poetry and circling her life, which really meant hunting Ted, blaming Ted, for Sylvia’s destruction;…

Marilyn, or No Girl Sets Out to Die: November Butterfly Poetry Prompt 1

“…the reverse birth image never left me, of petals, hummingbirds, and Marilyn trying to breathe…”-- Marilyn, Arriving: Collage, Astrology and Poetry (Feral Mom, Feral Writer) November Butterfly (my first poetry collection, Saddle…