The Attractant Power and Poetry of List Posts

Did you ever make a list of the qualities you wanted in a lover? Did your list draw to you the one you love? Mine did—eventually--after a string of sour love stories featuring Midwest bars, triangles involving the preacher’s daughter, botched…

An Interview with the Collaborative Team Behind “The Science of Parenthood”

Last week's post focused on collaborative approaches to blogging (Trickster Angels: Collaborative Posts and Synthesis Blogs). This week I'm pleased to have an in-depth interview with a pair of entrepeneurial women who decided to draw on two…
Valentine of Piano Parts

Trickster Angels: Collaborative Posts and Synthesis Blogs

“In the end, all collaborations are love stories.” Twyla Tharp, The Collaborative Habit: Life Lessons for Working Together (Simon and Schuster, 2013, with Jesse Kornbluth)  They say certain angels are assigned to fuss over brides on…

Inquiry Posts, Chaucer, and Blogger as Pilgrim

Divination by oracle was used in ancient times to test the ‘luck’ of an enterprise, such as a voyage over unknown and perilous seas. Introduction to Rune Games, by Marijane Osborn and Stella Longland “He who is afraid of asking is afraid…

Interview Post Variations and The Role of Travel Bloggers on Dwellable

I try to see interviewing as performance art, and just take it as it comes.  Liz Phair The simple joy and logic of posting interviews on a blog needs little explanation. Or WriterViews as they should be called--at least within the literary…
corazon earring four chambered heart

By the Spell of the Spin, The Human Calendar, or How to Write a Worthy Holiday Post

Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours… Black Elk, Holy man of the Oglala Sioux 1836-1950 (from Black Elk Speaks) Let’s say you’ve blogged merrily along so far, only to run headlong into blogger block.…